Wednesday, December 27, 2006

KACIKE: New Articles Published Online

Recently, two new articles have been published in KACIKE: The Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology. The first is a new paper by Jason Yaremko on Cuba which received glowing reviews from expert reviewers, and the second is a reprint of Alfredo Figueredo's previously published work on Taino-Carib encounters in the Virgin Islands. The two articles are:

The Virgin Islands as an Historical Frontier between the Taínos and the Caribs.--Alfredo E. Figueredo

Yaremko's contribution brings to a total eight authors who have published research on Cuba in KACIKE, the other seven being Barreiro, Camacho, Figueredo, Ulloa, Calvache, Ortega, and Tendero.

While KACIKE remains an open-acess journal, in the future bound special editions may also be available through "print on demand" online retailers.

Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies

A new volume of Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies has just been published. The new articles that are now available are:

Santa Rosa Carib Website

The website of the Santa Rosa Carib Community has been significantly revised and relaunched after many months of redesign and editing. In addition, the previously existing website titled, "First Nations of Trinidad and Tobago," has been deleted altogether, with some of its materials revised and added to the new Santa Rosa Carib Community website. After almost eight years of work, in which a total of seven different websites were created about Trinidad's Caribs by Max Forte, only one site remains and it is by far the most complete and robust. In the near future, videos will be added to this website, as well as slide shows.